Sekhem Energy Healing

Excellent for blasting through blocks that prevent you moving forward in life.

Sekhem energy healing is a holistic healing modality that works on multiple levels, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Sekhem Energy Healing is a non-invasive ancient Egyptian energy healing modality that is channelled through the hands, in a similar manner to Reiki, to help realign, release and shift the blocked / stagnant layers of energy around the body. A Sekhem session with myself can be practiced distance or in person, these sessions will leave you feeling:

  1. Relaxed and Calm: Many individuals feel deeply relaxed and calm after a session. The energy work can help reduce stress and promote a sense of inner peace.

  2. Energised: Some people report feeling more energised and revitalised. Energy healing can help balance and restore your energy levels.

  3. Emotional Release: Energy healing may bring up emotions or memories that have been buried or suppressed. It's not uncommon to experience a sense of emotional release or catharsis during or after a session.

  4. Pain Relief: If you had physical discomfort or pain, you may experience relief or a reduction in pain levels.

  5. Clarity and Mental Focus: Some individuals find that their mental clarity and focus improve after a session, as energy work can help clear mental blockages and promote mental clarity.

  6. Improved Wellbeing: Many people report an overall sense of improved well-being and a greater connection to their inner self.

  7. Increased Awareness: Energy healing can heighten your awareness of your body, emotions, and thoughts. This increased self-awareness can be a valuable tool for personal growth.

  8. Spiritual Insights: Some individuals have spiritual or intuitive experiences during or after energy healing sessions, which can lead to a sense of spiritual growth or insight.

  9. Release of Tension: Energy work can help release physical and emotional tension, leading to a feeling of lightness and relaxation.

  10. Better Sleep: Improved sleep quality is another reported benefit. Some people find that they sleep more soundly and wake up feeling refreshed.

Ready to book a Sekhem Energy Healing session?

Distance healing - 30-45 mins

We agree a specific date and time you are able to lie down and receive this healing modality without any interruption.

During a remote Sekhem session you will receive all the same benefits as an in-person session, whilst in the comfort and safety of your own home! You will be able to stay in your deeply relaxed state, way after the session is over.

We exchange text/voice note or call afterwards to relay experiences from both sides plus I pull an angel card to assist with your healing message.


“Kaye introduced me to Kundalini Yoga during the pandemic. This period of time demanded a lot of reflection, and therefore a pivotal moment in time to walk into purposeful life changes. I find Kundalini Yoga to be supportive and it encourages me to go inward, finding connection and focus.

Kaye suggested I try Sekhem healing, and this felt a perfect recommendation to accompany my Kundalini practice. I really had no idea what to expect, but it was very meditative and a lot of sensation. I have found the Sekhem clearing, though provoking and moving. I have done 4 sessions of Sekhem with Kaye. I continue the Kundalini at least 2 times a week. Together they are a powerful duo.

After the Sekhem sessions Kaye gives an intuitive and gentle report back, with supportive words, ideas and practical weekly solutions. I will definitely continue the Sekhem.” - Claire