Hey, I'm Kaye - Yoga on the move.

Travelling around the UK and further in a campervan, spreading the love for Kundalini yoga, sekhem healing & coaching to connect to your magic within!

This has been born from 2 years living full time in a van - moving away from the corporate world and the reason I changed direction was because I needed to go through my own inner work and figure out what really LIT ME UP!

It’s been quite a turbulent time walking away from my old life, still dipping back into the corporate world which is how I was able to study and become a Transformation Life Coach, trained by Marisa Peer.

Take it from me, this hasn’t been an easy ride, it has taken a lot of dedication, daily devotion, trust, self responsibility, better boundaries and a huge commitment to my own life. There’s been a lot of restructuring, grief and all the trust I could gather to make this work - and I’m pleased to share with you that it’s been totally worth it!

I’ve taken huge risks in life, blend that with my worldly experience and knowledge - it’s now time for me to share my gifts and help you find yours!

My mission is to help you help you boost your confidence, find your unique magic within and make the necessary transformational changes to really live in your purpose and truly connect with your path to fulfilment. Listen to my journey in this video.

My offerings & services:


My mission as a coach is to help you boost your confidence, to find your unique magic within YOU! To then make the necessary transformational changes and really live in your purpose.

Have you been:

- Playing it safe & small?

- Procrastinating & self sabotage regularly?

- Letting fear hold you back?

Book your FREE 60 mins discovery call.


Perhaps you find it difficult to attend regular classes, don’t have time to commute to a studio or simply want to enjoy a personalised practice wherever you are. Contact me for more details.


Sekhem healing includes Reiki to realign, release and shift the blocked & stagnant layers of energy around the body. Contact me for more details.


I am available to be a part of retreats, events & festivals. I have experience of holding my own yoga retreats plus have been hired to be a part of bespoke wellness retreats. Next one - 7th October, Sheffield.

  • I will help you set goals and make an action plan, but also consistently provide supportive tips, tricks and tools to help you move forward.

    Book your FREE coaching discovery call

  • Individually designed courses for any of you that are working toward specific goals or prefer to have the practice efficiently and effectively for yourself.

  • I connect with you at an agreed date and time that works for both of us and you receive the healing which improves overall wellbeing.

  • Experienced wellness & yoga retreat facilitator. With a background in international events, qualified kundalini yoga teacher, coach and experienced group facilitator, you can trust me to create a relaxed, organised, and unforgettable retreat experience.

Kaye | Yoga on the move

I have been practising yoga for over 17 years now - wow, where has the time gone! My practice was somewhat irregular but I always made my way back to the mat - it would never be longer than a week or so of straying that I felt the pull back to stillness. I tried all different types of yoga too - Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Bikram but Kundalini was where I found that "yoga-high" quicker and faster than any other type of yoga.

Yes, I found my first session a bit "out-there" - the repetition and holding of strange poses that I've never encountered before plus singing along to mantras which I didn't know the words to but I went with it. After the class I biked home and thought I was flying! Throughout that week I was on a high, something had shifted in me...

I had to get more of this feeling, so in Jan 2019 I embarked on Kundalini Yoga teacher training and now here I am today, sharing the powers of kundalini yoga.

Come and share your practice with me,

Kaye x

Contact Kaye for more info.