8 Week Self Confidence Course

Everyone of us suffers from low self esteem at some point - it affects us all.

Transform your self confidence in 8 weeks with Kundalini Yoga.

How it works

  • Online

    Online yoga course delivered weekly to your inbox

  • Videos


    You get 8 exclusive Kundalini yoga videos

  • Home

    Yoga at home

    Practice from the comfort of your own home

Who is this course for?

Absolutely everyone and anyone who is ready to transform and ready to find their true potential.

Every week for the next 8 weeks you will receive an email with an hour long class, please add kaye@yogaonthemove.co.uk to your contacts to avoid mail going to junk / spam folder.

This course is priced at just - £80 (course RRP c£200).

Sat Nam.

Other benefits:

  • Start the course anytime

  • Practice from anywhere in the world

  • Lifetime access to all videos and yoga practices

  • 1-2-1 direct access to Kaye for any questions and coaching

My story:

As part of Kundalini yoga training, I wanted to choose a subject that really resonated with me, something that I have struggled with throughout my life and never really addressed. Self-worth.

Every time I come to write this I get emotional as it’s always been hard to show the real me, as a little girl I had to fake confidence which has been amazing for me to get to where I am now but Kundalini teacher training has taught me how to be the real me and that’s its ok to be vulnerable. By faking confidence throughout my life, my self-worth and self-esteem was left in the shadows, I’ve hardly dealt with the little girl inside – it was always masked up to be the life and soul of the party always living up to everyone else’s expectations of being the person that “I’m supposed to be” - the Kaye that everyone think they knew – the party animal, always up for a laugh. I gave out way too much energy and didn’t realise I was allowing it to happen. I often had down days where I needed to be on my own, I didn’t realise why I needed to have this escapism until I enrolled onto this teacher training course.

Throughout all my life I escaped into a life of fun but pure debauchery – completely concealing the real me and facing my emotions, the true me. This journey (although somewhat bumpy and also rebelling against it as that is what I’m used to doing) has taught me to appreciate and value me - my true self and learn to love and respect her.

I’m sure there are many other people throughout the world that have lived their life like this, wearing a constant plaster to hide their true authentic self, therefore I’ve put together this 8 week Kundalini program to help others find their self-worth and not be afraid of it.

I'm very much still on this journey and now I'd love to share this with others who feel the same way, get in touch and get started! There's only you standing in your own way - trust me, I've been there.